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Presented by Student Leadership University

Youth Pastor Summit

YPS is our gift to youth pastors, workers, volunteers, and educators as encouragement and investment in those who are making a lasting impact in the lives of students.


Youth Pastor Summit is a conference that brings together student pastors, educators, and volunteers into one room to foster collaboration, community, and soul-care. It is a direct response to the growing need for people to pour into this generation.
As Student Leadership University trains up the next generation, we increasingly recognize the exponential impact that the leaders have on these students. YPS gathers thousands of leaders from across their regions of the country from 30+ denominations and movements. Each YPS includes mainstage sessions and leadership labs that all address 4 foundational and ever-present questions:


2025 Dates:

Southern California

Nashville, TN

Raleigh, NC (New Location)

YPS National Conference (Orlando)

Learn More

Artists & Speakers

Eugene Cho

President of Bread for the World/Visionary of One Day's Wages

Megan Fate Marshman

Author & Speaker

Derwin L. Gray

Lead Pastor of Transformation Church

Drew Worsham

Mentalist, Illusionist

Dr. Kathy Koch

Founder Celebrate Kids

Dr. Robert Smith

Charles T. Carter Baptist Chair of Divinity, Beeson School of Divinity

Christopher Yuan

Author, Speaker, Bible Professor

Jeff Wallace, Ph.D.

Chief Strategic Officer of SLU

Ed Newton

Lead Pastor of Community Bible Church in San Antonio, TX

Bethany Barr Phillips

Worship Leader

Jared Hall

Illusionist, Comedian and Communicator

Chuck Peters

Director of Lifeway NextGen

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About the Youth Pastor Summit

At YPS, we're intentional about cultivating a leadership environment of collaborationcommunity, and soul-care. We bring in some of the world’s best student ministry minds, communicators, and practitioners to address four foundational and ever-present questions:

  1. Spiritual Formation: Who are we becoming?
  2. God’s Mission: What story is God telling?
  3. Ethics: How should we think?
  4. Leadership: Why and how do we influence?

Plan on registering for one of 4-spring YPS events in SoCal, Dallas, Nashville, and Raleigh as well as the first ever YPS National Conference in Orlando, FL this coming fall. YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS IT!

Learn more about what to expect at YPS - watch this video! 

Youth Pastor Summit is presented by Student Leadership University

Youth Pastor Summit is a division of Student Leadership University, Collectively, these programs are designed to help Christians deepen their faith and equip them to impact the world. 

Student Leadership University

Student Leadership University is all about providing opportunities for young believers to develop into capable, confident leaders that will change the world. Through impactful events, dynamic speakers and experiential learning opportunities, we teach the next generation to Think, Dream, and Lead.

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When you donate to SLU, you are helping build the next generation of leaders that will go on to transform this world for Christ.

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