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By Jay Stack | October 8, 2012

I drove my Chevy to the levee for some think time. Just this morning 13 unsolicited texts, emails, messages and pop-ups hid among important information in my phone with a unified theme – the promise of leadership success. There were a few variations like success in business, relationships, in wealth or power, but all of […]

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SLU Africa: The Why|The What|The How…

By Brent Crowe, Ph.D | September 27, 2012

I remember it like it happened last week. I graduated from college and my father and I boarded a plane to Uganda, Africa where the following two weeks would transform my understanding of ministry and influence. The days were filled with personal evangelism, pastoral training, medical seminars and clinics. While it was my first trip […]

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Growing up without Pluto

By Brent Crowe, Ph.D | September 18, 2012

I know it now seems like ancient news but incase you have been under a rock the last few years Pluto is no longer a planet! Thats right ladies and gentlemen Pluto has been re-categorized as a dwarf planet, a phrase that may not even be politically correct. I mean how does that make Pluto […]

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American Dream

By Brent Crowe, Ph.D | September 11, 2012

A blessing by its very definition is underserved. And to live in a free society such as ours should instill a deep well of gratitude, an appreciation for something that wedid not earn but ratherinherited. We enjoy that which cost people their sweat, blood, tears and ultimately their lives. This great democracy is a dream […]

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Politics and a Christian Attitude

By Brent Crowe, Ph.D | September 4, 2012

Well the Olympics are over and new sets of games have begun in our culture: the political conventions and campaign season. Yes, the airwaves are rich with disdain, blame, and criticism, and the twenty-four hour news cycles have their plates full dissecting party platforms. What are we to make of it all and how are […]

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The 5 often-overlooked ideas we must teach students

By Brent Crowe, Ph.D | August 28, 2012

[5]often-overlooked mildly-misunderstood neglected-but-needed ideas we must teach students I love teaching and preaching the Bible. Additionally I enjoy listening to a wide variety of Bible communicators as they seek to download truth through the spoken word. It is a sacred responsibility that I believe carries with it consequences when not executed properly (1Timothy 5:17; James […]

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Rock the Universe Blog

By Jay Stack | August 24, 2012

In these final weeks of summer heat I know you are recuperating from an exhausting summer of ministry and mission events. (Im leaving tomorrow for my 12th trip of the summer with SLU students going to China).As you begin preparing for your launch of a new school year and for many a new church year, […]

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The Edge of Uncertainty

By Brent Crowe, Ph.D | August 21, 2012

One of the great principles I have learned is: do everything you can do and trust God to do what only He can do. In other words Do your best, prepare for the worstthe trust God to bring victory. (Proverbs 21:31, The Message) There will be moments in all our lives when we stand on […]

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See You at the Pole

By Jay Stack | August 16, 2012

It is hard to believe that one of the very first See You at the Pole events starts at Fort Myers High School in February 1971. In the midst of what is now the historic Jesus Movement, a handful of us decided that our school needed this new found faith we had just experienced. So […]

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“Everyday”: Four leadership decisions to maximize capacity

By Brent Crowe, Ph.D | August 14, 2012

We took a little break over the summer but now we are back in the saddle and will be doing a blog ona weekly basis throughout the fall. There is a lot of excitement, expectation and momentum around the SLU offices. The summer has been rich with amazing students awakening to the reality of their […]

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