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BOB Conference

March 6-8, 2023


Ten years ago, five student ministry pastors gathered together for a couple days to encourage each other, have a little fun, and make a commitment to run and finish the race well. The commitment they made was three-fold:

  • To have a laser like focus on discipling as many students as possible throughout the course of their ministry.
  • To parent and raise their children in such a way that their children would want to turn the world upside down for Jesus.
  • To cultivate a Christ honoring marriage that their children would want to one day emulate.

This year the BOB Conference will be held in Orlando, FL and hosted by Ryan McDermott.


March 6-8, 2023

  • Monday, March 6th: start at 1:00 PM
  • Wednesday, March 8th: event wraps at 10:00 AM
  • Schedules will be emailed by February 20, 2023


  • $275 Registration Fee (includes all meals and conference activities)
  • Hotel Fee for 2 nights (March 6th and 7th)
    • Single Occupancy: $458
    • Double Occupancy: $229 (must list a roommate
  • Extra Night Fee: $229 per night per room

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