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Ten Steps to Your Best Life

By Brent Crowe, Ph.D | November 1, 2021

We are excited to kick off our November Blog Series with Brent’s newest book, 10 Steps to Your Best Life. For the next four weeks, you will get a sneak peek of the first of ten steps that Brent outlines that equip and prepare us to live our very best life, one that has Jesus […]

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Dear Graduating Seniors

By Brent Crowe, Ph.D | May 12, 2021

Dear class graduating from the long dark winter,               I have written, recorded videos, and spoken at more graduation ceremonies than I can count. Each time I try to encourage, edify and communicate my confidence in the impact the graduates will have on the future. But all of that was niceties for normal times. To […]

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5 Minute Take: Is Everyone Meant to Be Creative?

By Brent Crowe, Ph.D | May 5, 2021


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5 Minute Take: What Does True Friendship Look Like?

By Brent Crowe, Ph.D | April 28, 2021
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5 Minute Take: How Do We Get Through Bad Days?

By Brent Crowe, Ph.D | April 21, 2021
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What If

By Emily Pigott | February 16, 2021

In the early morning hours of April 15, 1912, the luxury British steamship called the Titanic began to sink. On April 14, they received six, yes six, warnings of sea ice and yet their captain still ordered their speed to be set at a staggering 22 knots. It was this speed that prevented them from being able […]

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Be Secretly Incredible

By Emily Pigott | January 27, 2021

At the beginning of the movie The Incredibles, we see the star of the show, Mr. Incredible himself dressed in a ho-hum outfit, driving a car that is way too small for him, while coming home from a job that he does not like. All superhero activity has been banned by the government, so he and […]

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It’s Been a Moment, Here is How I Feel

By Brent Crowe, Ph.D | January 15, 2021

The days give less and more it takes Trails of tears our nation makes From declaration and freedom declare To self-destruction and images of despair God hits straight lines with crooked sticks But sometimes he lets crooked nations get sick A dream and vision of what could be Yet original sin is all we see […]

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Things to Remember this New Year

By Brent Crowe, Ph.D | January 1, 2021

Brent Crowe wishes you a happy new and gives some insight on how we should approach this year despite what we all may be feeling. How would a leader come into this year? Not a lot feels like it has changed, but know that you can change a lot.

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Beginning with the End in Mind

By Jeff Wallace | December 17, 2020

Today in a staff meeting, our SLU Executive Director, Emily Pigott, lead a devotion with our team. During that time, she shared a story about when her family was recently putting up Christmas decorations around the house. One of the Christmas traditions in the Pigott household is for her husband Gene and their two boys, […]

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