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6 Steps to Turning Ideas Into Reality

By Brad Lomenick | November 2, 2016

We get asked all the time about how we come up with new and fresh ideas. It’s a pretty simple process that has proven to be pretty effective over the years. This can be useful in any organization or scenario, whether you are launching ideas, or just looking to make sound decisions. Here you go: 1. Create- […]

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How to Stay S.H.A.R.P. in Ministry

By Candi Finch | October 29, 2016

Have you ever tried to cut a tomato with a dull knife? It is a disaster! The effort it takes to slice through the skin of the tomato is frustrating, and if your knife finally breaks through, seeds tend to squirt out in all kinds of directions. The simple truth is that a dull knife is […]

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Top Ten Verses to Defend Your Faith

By Sean McDowell | October 27, 2016

For the past few days I have been trying to think of the top ten verses that would be most helpful to apologists and evangelists. I have reflected on my own experience and also gotten feedback from many of you on Facebook and Twitter. So, here are my top ten verses to defend your faith […]

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The Powering of Creating a Personal Reading Plan

By Mike Calhoun | October 12, 2016

I have never found a high impact leader of influence who was not a reader. Involvement for over forty years with business, church and organizational leaders has validated this as more than just a maxim. My friend Dr. Jay Strack often says, You will be the same person five years from now except for the places you go, […]

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Did You Know 100 Million Christians Face This?

By Brent Crowe, Ph.D | October 10, 2016

Did you know more than 100 million Christians are persecuted for their faith? Can you imagine how isolating it must be for some believers in countries where they might only know one other Christian? As many of you have heard me share, last year I have the opportunity to travel with Open Doors to meet […]

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False Reality: A Conversation About Race

By Jeff Wallace | September 27, 2016

     Whether true or not, media propaganda is designed to make people believe something over and over again about another culture, ethnic group, or specific demographic without personal interaction or connection with them.  It chooses to intentionally shape the attitudes, values, and beliefs of another human being.  It fuels on the process of teaching […]

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Welcoming Jeff Wallace, Executive Director for The LIFT Tour & YPS

By Brent Crowe, Ph.D | September 6, 2016

In just over twenty years, Student Leadership University’s ministry has grown from 50 students and one conference to a now comprehensive and holistic leadership development journey. Our programs now consist of Student Leadership University 101, 201, 301 and 401, Youth Pastor Summit conferences in 6 states, and twenty-three stops on The Lift Tour. In recent […]

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This Year Doesn’t Have to be Average

By Brent Crowe, Ph.D | August 30, 2016

By now the new-car-smell on all the back to school gear is beginning to dissipate as the routine of another semester settles in. Many of you have no doubt re-mastered the art of hitting the snooze button on your phone or clock just the right amount of times and still able to ensure an on-time […]

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Thoughts Concerning the Orlando Shooting

By Brent Crowe, Ph.D | June 13, 2016

It’s 4:30 AM and JFK International Airport is moving at a slow-crawl type of pace. People are deplaning their red-eye flights wondering what time zone they are in, and others are thinking that the first flight of the day option of the ticket they purchased two months ago would have been a much wiser choice. […]

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A Wide Open Door for a Great Work {Part 2}

By Jay Stack | March 3, 2016

A firm conviction has been planted in my heart as I read or hear reports of persecution, and that is that all of us have a sacred obligation to our persecuted brothers and sisters –  the body of Christ – to take this suffering on as our own. I have to take to heart the […]

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