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Dr. Ed Newton

Lead Pastor of Community Bible Church in San Antonio, TX


Ed Newton was raised in a deaf world. The only child of two deaf parents, Ed was the voice in the silence for his parents Ron and Libby Newton. Through difficult circumstances and major hardships Ed was radically saved in high school. It was through the spoken word of others and the written Word of God that clarified a call to ministry as a senior in high school. God began to show forth His sovereign will in leading Ed to Clearwater Christian College to gain a Bible education, while affording the opportunity to play college basketball for four years. Ed continued his education journey by receiving a Master in Religious Education from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, a Master of Divinity from Trinity Theological Seminary, and a Doctorate of Ministry in Pulpit Communication and Expository Preaching from Trinity Theological Seminary.

Prior to surrendering to a call to a faith-based itinerant evangelism ministry, Ed has served the local church in multiple positions such as Youth Minister, Recreation Pastor, as well as Minister of Outreach and Single Adults. Ed Newton is currently the Lead Pastor at Community Bible Church San Antonio. He strives to present the timeless truth of Scripture for abundant life change.

God has uniquely gifted Ed with an ability to connect with various age groups, personally and corporately. His communication style can be summarized as “passion with content” while seeking to inspire people to be passionate, dedicated followers of Christ. He and his wife, (College Sweetheart) Stephanie, and their four children, London, Lola, Liv, and Lawson reside in San Antonio, TX.

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